Written by Dylan Stokes
Edited by Madelynn Dodds
Graphics by Vyanah Campbell

Switching Careers?
You’ve known for a while that you dread coming to work. You’ve tried
switching up where you work, or how much you work, and you’ve finally decided you can’t stand the career you’ve chosen. So, when do you switch? If you ask that question, it means the correct answer was yesterday. The next best answer is today.
Before you reach this point, it's crucial to ask yourself three questions:
1. Are you happy in your current job?
2. Are you fulfilled by your work?
3. And, are you making a meaningful contribution to your field?
Are You Happy?

Happiness is a fleeting emotion. No one can be happy 24/7 a week. It’s a loaded question that doesn’t have a permanent answer. The objective is being generally happy/content with your job seeing that you’re spending forty hours a week there. Work isn’t going to be fun every day and that’s just a fact of life.
If you feel a sense of pending doom when you come to work, whether it is the pay, the culture, or you hate the kind of work you do, that is your sign to switch.
Should you switch?

Building a meaningful career path that makes you happy should always be your priority. Life is too short to be miserable because of how you spend your forty-hour work week. Get out of that miserable job before it's too late.